Climate and Weather

Cobb weather January 27

According to the report from the National Weather Service, we should have sunny skies Thursday, January 27 with a high near 52 degrees here in Cobb County. 7-day forecast The…

Cobb weather January 26

According to the report from the National Weather Service, Wednesday, January 26 in Cobb County should be sunny with a high near 49 degrees. 7-day forecast The following is the…

Cobb weather January 24

According to the report from the National Weather Service, we should have a sunny day here in Cobb County with a high near 55. 7-day forecast The following is the…

Cobb weather January 23

According to the report from the National Weather Service, we’ll have a sunny day in Cobb County on Sunday January 23. The high should be around 48 degrees. 7-day forecast…

Cobb weather January 22

According to the report from the National Weather Service, it will be cloudy until mid-morning here in Cobb County, followed by gradual clearing, with a high near 41 degrees. 7-day…