Public meetings about Cobb County’s comprehensive plan coming in July and August

Open House on 2040 Comprehensive Plan held June 10, 2016 -- photo by Larry Felton Johnson

The public hearings for Cobb County’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan will be held Thursday, July  6, 9 a.m. and Tuesday, August 8 at 9 a.m.  Both meetings will be in the BOC Meeting Room, second floor, 100 Cherokee St. NW, Marietta.  Every county or city in Georgia is required by the state to develop a plan and update it regularly.

If you would like to read the draft plan, it can be found by following this link.

According to a press release from Cobb County,

The 2040 Comprehensive Plan is a long-range, community designed growth strategy that will continue to make Cobb County an attractive place to invest, conduct business and raise a family. The current plan, adopted in 2007 with subsequent annual amendments, covers the time period between 2007 and 2030. This 10-year update will extend the current plan’s growth outlook to 2040.

The plan is mandated by the state of Georgia and will help Cobb County guide and manage expected population and employment growth and coordinate major public investments in public safety, transportation, community facilities and other important elements. The plan is scheduled for submission to the Atlanta Regional Commission on Aug. 9. The ARC will ensure it meets minimum standards and procedures for local comprehensive planning.

If you have any questions or comments about the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, call 770-528-2018 or email