2019 Annual Household Hazardous Waste Event

hazardous waste symbolHazardous waste symbol retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, created by Pixeltoo [GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)]

Keep Cobb Beautiful’s annual FREE household hazardous waste event will be held next Saturday, July 27, at Jim Miller Park, 2245 Callaway Road, SW, Marietta, from 9 a.m to Noon, rain or shine.

Organizers ask that you remain in your vehicle during the collection process. They will access your vehicle or trunk to retrieve the items. The announcement states that you should be prepared to leave containers, boxes and bags, so don’t put the materials in any container you aren’t willing to leave behind.

It is recommended that you arrive early. No commercial vehicles are allowed and no waste from business will be accepted. There is a limit of 10 gallons of paint.

For more information follow this link.

List of Items that WILL be accepted (from the news release):

Auto Products:

Anti FreezeCarburetor CleanerOil Filters
Auto Body FillerDiesel FuelPower Steering Fluid
Batteries (Auto/Boat – any type)Engine DegreaserRadiator Flushes
Brake FluidGasolineTransmission Fluid
Car Cleaners, Waxes, Chrome PolishOil (used or unused) 

Garden Products:

FertilizersInsecticidesRodent Poison
FungicidesPesticidesSoil Fumigants
HerbicidesRoach/Ant KillerWeed Killers

Household Products:

Abrasive CleanersDrain Openers/CleanersPool Chemicals
AerosolsFire ExtinguishersPropane/Compressed Gas Cylinders
Ammonia-Based CleanersFloor Cleaner & WaxRug & Upholstery Cleaner
Batteries (any type)Fluorescent Lamp BallastsRust & Spot Remover
Bleach CleanersFurniture PolishSilver Cleaners
Cooking Oil/GreaseKerosene, Lamp OilSmoke Detectors
Compact Florescent Lights (CFLs)Mercury SwitchesThermometers
CosmeticsMetal CleanersThermostats
DegreasersMoth BallsToilet Cleaner
DeodorizersNail Polish & Remover 
DisinfectantsOven Cleaner 

Paint, Hobby & Pet Products:

AdhesivesLacquer, StainPropane tanks
Caulks, Glue, CementMineral SpiritsResins, Epoxy
Chemistry SetsModel Airplane PaintRubber Cement Thinner
Driveway SealerPaint (latex & oil based)Rust Proofing Products
Flea CollarsPaint Remover/StripperTurpentine
Flea Powder, Sprays, ShampoosPaint ThinnersVarnishes
Helium TanksPhotographic Chemicals & SolutionsWood Preservatives

List of items that will NOT be accepted:

Agricultural WasteAmmunitionAppliances
Bio-hazardous or Bio-medical WasteControlled SubstancesElectronics
ExplosivesMedications of any typeRadioactive Materials