Cobb County government posted the following announcement on its website announcing two distribution events for COVID-19 test kits:
Cobb County Emergency Management is working with Cobb and Douglas Public Health to distribute COVID-19 test kits throughout the community.
While CDPH is targeting communities and groups who have had challenges obtaining these test kits, there are two public distribution events scheduled. Test kits will be given out to the public at:Saturday, Feb. 26, 10 a.m. -2 p.m.
Word of Faith Cathedral, 212 Riverside Pkwy, AustellSaturday, Mar. 5, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Piedmont Church, 570 Piedmont Rd, Marietta
In January the Cobb County Board of Commissioners approved the purchase of COVID-19 test kits to distribute to residents in response to the surge in the Omicron variant of COVID.
Here is the original agenda item which the BOC approved on January 11, 2022:
On December 14, 2021, the Board approved the closeout of the CARES fund federal grant program. At that time, unspent funding was allocated to Public Safety-related County departments to reimburse a portion of eligible personnel expenses incurred during the Pandemic.
Under the current Declaration of Emergency, entered into on December 22, 2021, the Director of the Cobb Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) has the authority to approve emergency actions deemed necessary to address public health issues within Cobb County.
In response to the surging number of new Covid-19 cases, the County has restored previous safety protocols and is taking every measure possible to mitigate the impact of this virus.In order to limit unnecessary exposure, the CEMA Director has authorized under emergency authority, the purchase of 60,480 At-Home “iHealth Test Kits”, for distribution to the public. These kits have been purchased from Matrix Management Services, LLC, at a cost of $13.50 each. The total emergency purchase price of $816,480.00 was quoted on December 30, 2021.