Kennesaw City Council approves $13.9 million contract for public safety building

A row of Kennesaw Police Department cruisers with multifamily buildings past a black metal fence

By Rebecca Gaunt

The city of Kennesaw is moving forward with plans for its long awaited public safety facility that will move police headquarters away from City Hall on J.O. Stephenson Avenue.

On Monday, the City Council approved a contract with Gay Construction for a guaranteed maximum price of $13.9 million. The project is funded by the 2022 special purpose local option tax (SPLOST), the city’s stormwater reserve fund, and American Rescue Plan Act federal funding. 

City manager Jeff Drobney said a specific breakdown of how much money would come from each source is unknown at this stage of the project.

The facility will be on Moon Station Road next to the recently expanded public works building. The city approved Croy Engineering and Croft & Associates to complete the architectural plans in July 2023.

The Council also approved several additional contracts that were on the agenda.

Public Works Director Ricky Stewart recommended approval for the purchase of 100 feet of 48-inch pipe and 200 feet of 60-inch pipe from Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. The company came in with the lowest bid at $30,470. Stormwater construction and improvement funds will be used.

The Woodland Acres subdivision will have sidewalks installed as a result of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The Cobb County Board of Commissioners appropriated $117,446 for the city. City Council approved the subrecipient agreement with the county.

Kennesaw is gearing up for another concert season at the Depot Park amphitheater. Parks Director Bill McNair recommended approval of a $127,750 contract with RSC Productions, Inc. to coordinate the 2025 series.

The planned events include: Loverboy on March 29, Shot Thru the Heart, a Bon Jovi tribute band, on May 3, Who’s Bad, a Michael Jackson cover band, on June 14, Guardians of the Jukebox, an ‘80s cover band, on July 3, and Yacht Rock Schooner on Sep. 20.

Rebecca Gaunt earned a degree in journalism from the University of Georgia and a master’s degree in education from Oglethorpe University. After teaching elementary school for several years, she returned to writing. She lives in Marietta with her husband, son, two cats, and a dog. In her spare time, she loves to read, binge Netflix and travel.

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