Survey about Services for Seniors in Cobb County

Cobb County Senior Services building with article about Tim D Lee Center reopening

Cobb County Senior Services is conducting a survey to get citizen input to guide the preparation of the Ten Year Master Plan for programs for Cobb residents 55-years of age and older.  But the survey itself isn’t targeted at just seniors.  Anyone 18 years of age and older is encouraged to go online and fill out this survey. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete, you can skip any questions you don’t want to answer, and it’s confidential.  The deadline is July 31. You can take the survey by visiting

Amy Woodell, the Evidence-Based Coordinator at Cobb Senior Services, told River Edges, “We’re implementing a comprehensive community assessment of the needs and concerns around aging issues in Cobb County.  We’ve partnered with the KSU’s Burruss Institute to help us conduct this study and the results of it are going to be used for our Cobb Senior Services Ten Year Master Plan.  We have many different facilities around the county.  We do a host of things: transportation, Meals on Wheels, community services, recreation activities.  So this will inform our Ten Year Master Plan, which is a long time coming, and this should be completed by the end of the year.”

Cobb County’s senior population has been increasing steadily as a share of the population.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Cobb residents 65 years old and were 6.9 percent of the population in 2000.  That number had risen to 11 percent by 2015.  With the rise in the percentage that dramatic, services for seniors become an increasingly important consideration for the county.