CobbLinc Transfer Center in South Cobb, bike/pedestrian bridge over Chattahoochee in Smyrna, and pedestrian bridge over Cobb Parkway included in Rep. David Scott budget request

headshot of Representative David ScottRepresentative David Scott (official Congressional photo)

A multi-modal transfer station for Austell-South Cobb is included in Community Project Funding requests submitted to the House appropriation committee by U.S. Rep. David Scott.

Other Cobb projects include a Chattahoochee Riverlands – Bike/Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study for a connection between Smyrna and the Proctor Creek corridor, and a pedestrian bridge over Cobb Parkway in the Cumberland area adjacent to the City of Smyrna.

Here is the press release with the project list sent by Rep. Scott’s office.

WASHINGTON Congressman David Scott (GA-13), chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, today released a list of fifteen Community Project Funding requests for the fiscal year (FY) 2023 Appropriations cycle that he submitted to the U.S. House Committee on Appropriations.

Under House Appropriations Committee guidelines, Members of Congress may request funding for up to fifteen projects in their district for FY23. Currently, the FY23 budget is in the early stages, thus,  projects that receive full or partial funding will be announced at a later date.

“I am immensely proud to request more than $43.9 million in FY 2023 Community Project Funding for Georgia’s Thirteenth Congressional District,” stated Congressman David Scott. “Through continued investments in our communities’ transportation and infrastructure, pipelines for essential resources, and initiatives that support environmental sustainability and interconnectivity, we will further strengthen our local economies so that families and neighbors who reside in areas near these developments equitably experience the transformative benefits.”

Per requirements, Rep. Scott has certified that neither he nor his immediate family have a financial interest in any of the submissions. Please find financial disclosure documents for all projects here.

Please find details for each FY 2023 Community Project Funding Request below:

Project Name: Clayton County Legal Aid Office
Requesting Organization/Entity: Atlanta Legal Aid Society
Amount Requested: $260,000
Explanation of Request: The funding will be used to open a full-service legal aid office in Clayton County, Georgia. An office in Clayton County is essential to provide the free legal services needed to help the large population of low-income residents in this community address the lingering effects of COVID-19 and the ongoing effects of income disparity, homelessness, and housing instability.

Project Name: Chattahoochee Riverlands – Bike/Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study
Requesting Organization/Entity: City of Smyrna
Amount Requested: $900,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to develop a feasibility study for a bicycle and pedestrian bridge across the Chattahoochee River, near the confluence of Proctor Creek, connecting Smyrna and Cobb County’s 2.7-mile ‘RiverLands Showcase’ greenway to Atlanta’s 6 mile Proctor Creek Greenway and new Chattahoochee Brick Park.

Project Name: Vivarium for Environmental Studies at Clayton State University
Requesting Organization/Entity: Clayton State University
Amount Requested: $750,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for building a vivarium to support their undergraduate research program and community outreach efforts.

Project Name: Austell-South Cobb Transfer Center
Requesting Organization/Entity: Cobb County Department of Transportation
Amount Requested: $2,000,000
Explanation of Request: The funding will be used for a planned multi-modal transit facility for CobbLinc riders to transfer between routes or transportation modes, and to access the surrounding jobs, medical and community services, and surrounding development.

Project Name: College Park South East Sewer Wastewater Pump Station Project
Requesting Organization/Entity: City of College Park
Amount Requested: $5,692,500
Explanation of Request: The funding will be used for engineering, survey, testing, and construction of the College Park South East Sewer Wastewater Pump Station, replacing the current 43-year-old system that pumps 80 percent of the city’s wastewater.

Project Name: Cobb Parkway Pedestrian Bridge North
Requesting Organization/Entity: Cumberland Community Improvement District
Amount Requested: $1,000,000
Explanation of Request: The funding will be used to build the Cobb Parkway Pedestrian Bridge North, a new pedestrian bridge constructed over Cobb Parkway, needed to help address safety, equity, access, and connectivity issues in the Cumberland and City of Smyrna region.

Project Name: Friendship Pump Station
Requesting Organization/Entity: Fulton County Government
Amount Requested: $2,500,000
Explanation of Request: The funding will be used to construct a pump station for Friendship Village, a 2,000-acre development that consists of a combination of mixed-use, single-family, multifamily, commercial, and civic developments including an amphitheater, school, and a fire station.

Project Name: Connect and Serve: Growing Underrepresented Companies in Manufacturing, Logistics, Warehousing and Transportation
Requesting Organization/Entity: Georgia Tech. Research Corporation
Amount Requested: $495,547
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to provide underrepresented businesses in Georgia’s 13th Congressional District with procurement opportunities to expand by connecting them with major corporations and governmental entities as well as connecting them to technical assistance programs and services to help them improve their operations and workforce.

Project Name: Henry County Schools Afterschool Enrichment STEM Expansion
Requesting Organization/Entity: Henry County Board of Education
Amount Requested: $40,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to increase the frequency of STEM activities from once per month to twice per month and for the purchase of resources with higher STEM complexity.

Project Name: City of Lovejoy Police Tasers
Requesting Organization/Entity: City of Lovejoy Police Department
Amount Requested: $33,578.99
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to procure 20 protective tasers, holders, and replacement cartridges, which provide a nonlethal alternative to firearms and are used to deescalate chaotic situations and ensure the relative safety of all individuals involved.

Project Name: Clayton Justice Center Transit Hub
Requesting Organization/Entity: Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
Amount Requested: $1,000,000
Explanation of Request: The funding will be used for MARTA’s Clayton Justice Center Transit Hub, which will serve Routes, 191, 192, 193 and 800 by providing customers covered waiting areas, fare vending, real-time arrival/information, and public restrooms.

Project Name: MARTA Safe Routes to Transportation
Requesting Organization/Entity: Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
Amount Requested: $1,000,000
Explanation of Request: MARTA will create Safe Routes to Transit in Georgia’s 13th District by providing safe access to bus stops by constructing a variety of pedestrian and ADA improvements, with a focus on equity and historically disadvantaged communities.

Project Name: South Douglas Loop – Phase I – Lee Road Extension
Requesting Organization/Entity: Douglas County Board of Commissioners
Amount Requested: $20,000,000
Explanation of Request: The funding will be used to provide east-west connectivity to the southern portion of the county by extending the Lee Road arterial corridor that has direct access to I-20 at the Lee Road interchange.

Project Name: Enhancing Georgia’s Poultry Science Impact through Innovation and Collaboration
Requesting Organization/Entity: University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Amount Requested: $7,797,940
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to train the next generation of poultry scientists to dramatically increase capacity for instruction and research to support Georgia’s multibillion-dollar poultry industry.

Project Name: Douglas County Community Business Incubator
Requesting Organization/Entity: Douglas County Board of Commissioners
Amount Requested: $500,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to create a business incubator for the Douglas County community, which will provide local small businesses and entrepreneurs with a workspace to foster creativity, critical thinking, and new ideas. Additionally, it will allow for an expansion of the existing Douglas County Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship program.