[This is a Letter to the Editor. For our policies on letters, and how to submit them, please see the bottom of this article]
To the Editor:
It is sad and disheartening that some of my neighbors here in Cobb are expressing their discomfort and unsubstantiated fears about the change in demographics we are experiencing. They point to nearby county population change with negative references and dog whistles used by those spreading division among us.
We know attitudes like this have existed in the past, but under cover. It is now time to move ahead rather than retreat to a darker time in Cobb by those persons holding prehistoric thoughts that are impolite and disrespectful by spewing what sounds like racist ideology in public meetings.
“Make someone’s day by sharing your smile”
Lawrence King, Publisher/COO STEM News Chronicle
Mableton, Georgia
About Letters to the Editor
Letters to the editor do not necessarily represent the views of the Cobb County Courier.
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