Dear Editor,
Last Tuesday Watching the Funds – Cobb, a non-partisan grassroots organization, held an information session on the Cobb County Schools proposed budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
While all seven members of the Cobb County Schools Board of Education were invited to participate, the fiscal transparency group welcomed Becky Sayler of Post 2 and Nichelle Davis of Post 6 as panelists for the online event.
The session provided Cobb parents with an incredible service by giving outlet for public comment and a breakdown of the more tedious elements of the budget.
An open dialogue with our representatives is such an important civic duty, but it takes commitment from constituents and elected officials alike to show up and have those conversations.
I am so grateful to see that commitment from Watching the Funds- Cobb as well as the two board members who participated in this week’s information session.
The Cobb County School District will bring the budget to the board of education Thursday for a final vote. The preliminary budget was voted on during April’s meeting before being made public.
The superintendent and school administrators said the public could comment on the billion-dollar budget in the weeks between board meetings.
I would like to thank the fellow Cobb parents- which of course includes the board members and organizers- who took that opportunity last week. It is encouraging to see a community of parents that are dedicated and involved in their children’s school system.
John Popham