Georgia gasoline prices take a modest drop over the past week

Gasoline pump resting in its cradle used in articles about Georgia gasoline prices

Georgia gasoline prices have started their typical seasonal cold weather decline, though only by three cents from the previous week.

According to AAA’s weekly report, gasoline prices in Georgia reached an average cost of $2.90 per gallon for regular unleaded.

“Hopefully, gas prices in Georgia stay low, which will be a sweet deal for drivers hitting the road this Christmas. Mild gasoline demand, steady supply, and low oil costs have contributed to pump prices sliding further,” said Montrae Waiters, AAA-The Auto Club Group spokeswoman. “As for guessing when those gas prices will reverse course. Well, that’s still anyone’s call.”

What will you learn by reading below?

  1. How do prices in Cobb County compare to the rest of the state
  2. What are the national trends in gasoline prices?
  3. What causes fluctuations in gasoline prices?
  4. How does AAA arrive at its price estimates?

Gasoline prices in Cobb County

The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded in Cobb County is $2.938, about four cents more than the statewide average.

It is always possible to find lower gas prices than the average by comparison shopping or using tools like

What are the national trends?

AAA’s weekly report stated the following about national gas and oil trends:

Since last Monday, the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline has held steady at $3.05 

What causes fluctuations in gasoline prices?

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the price of crude oil is the main factor affecting the price of gasoline.

“Strong and increasing demand for gasoline and other petroleum products in the United States and the rest of the world can place intense pressure on available supplies,” the EIA website states.

According to the EIA, other factors that can affect prices include “disruptions in crude oil supplies, refinery operations, or gasoline pipeline deliveries.”

There are also seasonal changes in demand that cause price fluctuations throughout the year.

For more information on the price considerations for crude oil and gasoline, visit the EIA website.

How does AAA determine gas prices?

According to AAA:

“AAA updates fuel price averages daily at Every day up to 130,000 stations are surveyed based on credit card swipes and direct feeds in cooperation with the Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) and Wright Express for unmatched statistical reliability. 

“All average retail prices in this report are for a gallon of regular, unleaded gasoline.”

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