Screenshot above: Raunicka Ray, Campbell graduate
By Rebecca Gaunt
Following the tremendous outcry from the public, Superintendent Chris Ragsdale announced the district has opened an investigation into the firing of Campbell High School basketball coaches Randy McClure and James Gwyn.
“When I learned of the way they were let go, I immediately and personally initiated a review of that decision. That review has now resulted in an investigation,” he said.
Upon conclusion of the investigation, Ragsdale said he will provide an update.
“As a district, we hold ourselves to a higher standard than the way this was handled,” he continued.
In 2019, Campbell High School named the gym after the two men with decades of service and hundreds of wins. The decision by Campbell administrators earlier this month to not offer them contracts for next year reportedly came as a complete shock to both.
From the AJC: Campbell names new gym after two 400-game winners
Their supporters turned out to Thursday’s school board meeting dressed in blue and Campbell spirit wear.
Courtney Gwyn, daughter of Coach Gwyn, spoke in support of her father and his longtime co-worker.

“There was no indication through performance review conversations throughout the year or direct feedback about the state of the Campbell basketball program from Principal Watkins or Athletic Director Thigpen. These coaches were downright blindsided,” she said.
Gwyn’s son Justin shared a story about his dad coming to a game fresh out of a major surgery because of his intense commitment.

Miranda McClure became emotional when she spoke about her dad.
“I missed out on many days because of that dedication and I don’t regret it because my dad is an amazing man. And he deserved better than what he got,” she said.

Rasheda Castleberry, a 2004 graduate, played under McClure.

“They are positive Black role models in the school system, which is rare. They are father figures to many fatherless children in this community and in this school system…they both deserved to be celebrated on their way out,” she said.
Raunicka Ray, another Campbell graduate, wore her letter jacket to the podium.

“A lot of these kids, they would have dropped out of school had it not been for sports. Yes, sports is important, but they also taught them in a lot of different ways,” she said.
A petition asking the district to investigate the terminations currently has more than 3,700 signatures.
It states: The abrupt manner in which Coach Gwyn and Coach McClure were dismissed mirrors the treatment one might expect of an adversary rather than two esteemed coaches. With only a tenuous justification based on allotment, they were denied the professional dignity of either resigning on their own terms or returning to the classroom full-time. Compounding this injustice, they were stripped of the opportunity to personally inform their coaching staff, athletes, parents, or the broader community of this heartbreaking news. Instead, they were excluded from these critical discussions while Athletic Director [James] Thigpen conducted meetings and crafted a narrative in their absence. This approach not only suggests an unwarranted presumption of wrongdoing but also fosters a troubling perception of mistrust and disregard for their years of dedicated service.
The district’s initial statement to media about the coaches heaped praise on the two men, but offered no explanation for why they weren’t offered contracts for the upcoming school year.
McClure began teaching in 1986 at F.T. Wills High School before it merged with Campbell. Gwyn began coaching at Campbell in 1995.
“If the number of former players, current students, fellow teachers, and family members who have supported you are any indication, Coach McClure and Gwyn are remarkable coaches,” Ragsdale said.

Rebecca Gaunt earned a degree in journalism from the University of Georgia and a master’s degree in education from Oglethorpe University. After teaching elementary school for several years, she returned to writing. She lives in Marietta with her husband, son, two cats, and a dog. In her spare time, she loves to read, binge Netflix and travel.
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