By Arielle Robinson Wendy Davis, a Democratic hopeful who is running to unseat Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, answered questions about her and her campaign for the…
By Arielle Robinson Jennifer Strahan, a Republican hopeful for Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, answered the Courier’s questions about herself and her campaign over the phone Friday afternoon. Strahan is one…
By Arielle Robinson The Courier interviewed Marcus Flowers, a Democrat running for Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, by phone Wednesday afternoon. Flowers seeks to unseat current U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene,…
By Rebecca Gaunt An open records request revealed that a survey sent out by Cobb County School District in August received overwhelming support for on-site COVID-19 testing, but the results…
By Rebecca Gaunt For Kari Robinson, learning that her son’s asymptomatic classmate, who had tested positive for COVID-19 and was attending school without a mask, marked the last straw before…
By Rebecca Gaunt Four parents of students with disabilities and health issues spoke with the Courier about why they are suing the Cobb County School District over its failure to…
[This is a Letter to the Editor by Melissa O’Brien] There’s a referendum on this November’s ballot to extend the Cobb Education SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. This…