When our communities have local corridor studies, meetings about comprehensive plans, or even routine zoning decisions, the issue of affordable housing often comes up. At the public meeting about the South Cobb Drive corridor study it was raised in a particularly strong way by a woman from the part of Windy Hill Road that runs through the northern part of Smyrna, where many residents are afraid they will be displaced by upscale redevelopment.
Vox.com, a news site specializing in explanatory journalism writes wonderful little pieces they call “card stacks”, that explain some event, controversy, or trend in a multi-part outline. The reader clicks from card to card, and they tend to be concise enough that a reader can finish them in a short period of time. Vox also gives permission for other sites to embed them.
They wrote a wonderful card stack on affordable housing. It is worth reading whenever decisions need to be made that might have an impact on housing costs. River Edges is going to embed the card stack whenever we publish an article on community affairs with implications for housing cost.
Here it is.