Michael Register, the current Clayton County police chief, has been recommended by Interim County Manager Rob Hosack for appointment as Cobb County police chief. Register has more than 30 years in law enforcement experience and worked for the Cobb County Police Department from 1986 to 2005, where he served in several positions, including assistant SWAT and tactical team director.
According to a press release from Cobb County:
He has managed a law enforcement, operational and intelligence program at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and serves on the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force Executive Board, the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police Legislative Committee as Co-Chair and is a Board Member for Safe America. He also served our country in the U.S. Army Special Forces for 22 years, including combat operations in Afghanistan.
Register is working on his doctoral dissertation in public administration and policy, with an emphasis in terrorism and conflict analysis and resolution. He earned a master’s degree in public administration from Columbus State University and a bachelor’s degree in accounting and international finance from Liberty University. Register also attended Northwestern University’s nationally-recognized Police Staff and Command School and the Georgia Command College. He is an adjunct professor at Columbus State in the areas of strategic planning, management and leadership.
Chief John Houser retired in January after a 35-year career with the Cobb police department. The Board of Commissioners will vote on the recommendation to hire Chief Register at their June 13 meeting.