[The Courier often receives press releases that we don’t expand or rewrite into full original articles, but which contain information we think might be useful for readers.
We run those verbatim as written by staff of the organization that sends them. We’ve created a category called “Press releases” for them.]
The following is a press release from the Cobb County School District:
Learning Everywhere as a Student in Cobb County
On October 5, 2020, Cobb Schools will begin the first phase of its Reopening Plan, allowing elementary and special education students to return to face-to-face classroom learning. Parents have the option of sending their children to school for face-to-face, or to continue learning remotely.
Elementary and Special Needs teachers have been trained and equipped to make the most of their classroom teaching by utilizing online technology. This will prevent teachers from having to teach lessons twice, while also keeping the class together in the educational process.
“This year will be technology-centric,” said Cobb Schools Superintendent Chris Ragsdale. “This is the only way we can minimize disruptions if a school or a class needs to quarantine.”
As shown in the video (see link below), students in the classroom and at home will be seeing and hearing the same lesson. Teachers will be able to answer questions for both groups and gauge understanding during the instructional time.Students in both settings will then be expected to complete seatwork based on the lesson. Lessons will also be archived on CTLS for both groups to review later, if necessary.
“A return to classrooms will look different across the District,” Superintendent Ragsdale said. “Some schools may have 80% return; some may have only 20%. But all will be using devices and CTLS to some degree.”
Students don’t need in-class school. Exposing children to infectious diseases and psychopathic peers is not education, just to provide childcare to some and a paycheck to others at everyone’s expense. Stop the incarceration of children now.
I reject the assertion that my kids can’t be just as psychopathic as their peers.
I can’t wait reopening face to face