Wellstar schedules 10,000 COVID-19 vaccinations

coronavirus under electron microscopeCoronavirus under electron microscope (image by Felipe Esquivel Reed, licensed under CC-SA 4.0)

Wellstar Health System issued the following press release about the high demand for COVID-19 vaccine among residents 65+ years of age, and reported that 10,000 that patients have registered for vaccination within their system.

The press release follows:

Marietta, Ga. (January 11, 2021) — Wellstar Health System, one of Georgia’s largest and most integrated healthcare systems, has successfully scheduled the first 10,000 COVID vaccinations for Wellstar Primary Care patients age 65 and older following Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) guidelines to expand the Phase 1A COVID-19 vaccination program.

The expansion of the eligible vaccination criteria for the current
phase was announced by Georgia DPH on December 30 with the goal of accelerating vaccinations for populations most at risk of exposure, transmission, and severity of disease.

A not-for-profit system with 11 hospitals across Georgia, Wellstar intends to offer the COVID-19 vaccine to every Wellstar patient following the phased approach outlined by health authorities as more vaccines and appointment slots become available.

When: Over the weekend, Wellstar patients began to receive notification of the process for vaccination appointments for the initial 10,000 vaccines allocated to Wellstar Primary Care patients age 65 and older.

Scheduled vaccinations for this group began Monday, January 11, and will carry on for the coming days, weeks, and months as the DPH-led roll-out continues with additional vaccine deliveries.

What: The initial phase of patient vaccinations offered current Wellstar Primary Care patients 65 years of age and older the option to schedule an appointment to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Appointments for Wellstar patients in this group have already been filled due to significant demand for the COVID-19 vaccine, however additional time slots will be added to the MyChart scheduling portal as more vaccines are delivered.

Wellstar patients are encouraged to visit the Wellstar MyChart scheduling tool to view new dates, times, and locations for vaccinations as they are added. For the most updated information, please call 470-956-7000 for a recorded message or visit www.wellstar.org.

Community Resources: For those people in the community who are not Wellstar Primary Care patients or who would like to explore vaccine scheduling options, the Georgia DPH has launched a COVID-19 vaccination site location tool (https://dph.georgia.gov/locations/covid-vaccination-site) that allows users to search for vaccine providers across the state.

DPH vaccine supply is very limited.

The public is encouraged to contact their public health departments directly to schedule an appointment.

11 Comments on "Wellstar schedules 10,000 COVID-19 vaccinations"

  1. JOHN FEULING | January 20, 2021 at 10:58 am |


  2. I am 78 years old I am a Kidney donor and I’m looking to get my first covidshot How do I make an appointment with WellStar

  3. I am 78 years old I am a Kidney donor trying to schedule an appointment

  4. I would like to schedule an appointment for my covid-19

  5. Ingrid leibrecht | January 21, 2021 at 7:42 pm |

    I am 68 years old like to schedule an appointment

  6. Elizabeth R. Burlas | January 22, 2021 at 3:44 pm |

    I am a 85-year-old woman with a lung disease (bronchiectasis) and asthma. I have several doctors at wellstar east Cobb Park but not my PCD who has not been helpful in getting me into a place to receive the vaccine. I have been coming to East Cobb Health Park ever since you opened…to several specialists there as well as Urgent Care, and I am on your computer and My Chart. I have been quaranteened in my home alone for ten months. Please help me get on the Wellstar list soon for the vaccine. I always feel so safe there.

  7. Gwen Louise LaLande | February 2, 2021 at 4:37 pm |

    I am 74, a Wellstar Austell patient with diabetes. My Wellstar physician told me to sign up for the COVID Vaccination. When and where can I receive my highly recommended vaccination?
    I want to live, family and friends younger than me are no longer here.

    • Hi, Gwen.

      Wellstar is administering their own supply of vaccine, so your best bet is to talk to someone in your physician’s office about it. They can probably help you get scheduled. Good luck!

    • Hi, Gwen. You should contact the office of your primary care physician at Wellstar, and they should be able to walk you through the process of scheduling an appointment if they have the vaccine in stock. Your diabetes doctor might be able to help out too.

  8. I m 70 years old Please help me arrange appointment for me Yhanks

  9. Dolores Turner | March 18, 2021 at 7:07 pm |

    Would like an appointment to take virus vaccine

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