Powder Springs offers Girl Scout Cookies to those getting vaccinated at the city sites

Powder Springs City HallPowder Springs City Hall (photo by Larry Felton Johnson)

The City of Powder Springs has a unique offering for those who get vaccinated at their vaccine sites on May 25 or May 26: a box of Girl Scout Cookies.

The details are provided in the news release from the city, reprinted below:

Call it “Samoas for Shots” or “Get Your Dose, Get Some Do-si-dos”: The City of Powder Springs is offering those who take advantage of one of two COVID-19 vaccine opportunities next week a free box of Girl Scout Cookies.

As previously announced, Powder Springs is partnering with Cobb & Douglas Public Health and CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort) Georgia to provide the vaccine opportunities on the afternoon on May 25 and morning of May 26. Those getting vaccinated on either those days will be encouraged in June to return to get their second dose of the respective vaccine they were given.

The city will allow those who choose to get vaccinated either day at the Ford Center Reception Hall, 4181 Atlanta St., a box of Girl Scout Cookies of their choosing, while supplies last. In addition to the aforementioned and popular Samoas and Do-si-Dos, those who roll up their sleeves may choose from Thin Mints, Tagalongs and Trefoils.

In an effort to support local Girl Scout Troops, whose opportunities to sell cookies during the COVID-19 pandemic have been limited, the City of Powder Springs purchased multiple cases of cookies to use as an incentive to those who have yet to be vaccinated.

The first of the city’s two vaccine offerings is Tuesday, May 25. Cobb & Douglas Public Health’s outreach clinic is offering the two-shot Moderna vaccine in a May 25 and June 22 vaccination series at the Ford Center, with the shots given those days from 4 to 7 p.m. To register, visit https://cdph.jotform.com/211293893384969.

The public may register for the two-shot Pfizer vaccine through CORE Georgia for a May 26/June 16 series, with the shots given from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Ford Center. To pre-register, visit cobbvax.coreresponse.org (English), or cobbvaxesp.coreresponse.org (Spanish); walk-ups also will be accepted with no appointment required for those unable to register beforehand.

Additional vaccination opportunities, including those utilizing the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, may be forthcoming and will be announced by the city if and when confirmed.

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