Cobb County sent the following appeal in the Cobb government email newsletter:
Cobb County launched its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Community Needs Survey today. The online survey is designed to gather community input on how Cobb County should prioritize its $147M allocation of federal ARPA funding. It is open to all Cobb County residents and organizations through November 22, 2021.
This American Rescue Plan Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in March 2021. It set aside funding for local and state governments to support public health, essential workers, infrastructure measures and to lessen the negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey will help the county to reflect the community’s priorities in its plan for investing the funds between these eligible uses.
Over the next three weeks, county officials hope to hear from as many Cobb County voices as possible. The survey takes only minutes to complete, and every survey response will help to shape an investment strategy that addresses the community’s highest needs. Hard copies of the surveys are available at all Cobb Senior Services’ multipurpose centers.
The ARPA Community Needs Survey is open now through November 22, 2021, and can be accessed online at 2021 ARPA Cobb County Community Needs Survey (