Marietta police launch new cadet program for 14 to 20-year-olds interested in law enforcement career

Marietta police SUV parked at the curb on Marietta Square

The Marietta Police Department invites 14 to 20-year-olds who are interested in law enforcement to a program launch meeting on March 2, 2023, to discuss the department’s new public safety cadet program.

The meeting will be held starting at 6 p.m. at the Marietta Police Department’s Headquarters at 240 Lemon Street. Parents of interested young people are welcome to attend.

The requirements for the program, reprinted from the announcement on the City of Marietta website, are as follows:

Applicant basic qualifications:

1. Applicant must be 14-20 years of age and a U.S. citizen.

2. Applicant must not have a prior arrest record or serious traffic violations.

3. Applicant must be of good conduct and high moral character.

4. Upon acceptance into the Unit, the applicant must maintain a “C” average (2.0) in scholastic studies. Once a Cadet graduates from high school, he/she must enroll in at least two courses per semester at an accredited college or full-time employment to remain in the program.

The new cadet program has its origins in the Law Enforcement Explorer program of the Boy Scouts of America.

The Marietta Police Department describes the formation of the new cadet program as follows:

“Marietta Police Department has run a very successful Law Enforcement Explorer Post through BSA for over 30 years. That youth program started in 1988, but with the onset of the pandemic, enrollment suffered.

“The Marietta Police Department is excited to restart the program, but this time also as a Public Safety Cadet program. Cadets, just like Explorers don’t carry real weapons or make arrests.

“They do participate in public service, police training simulations and youth competitions. They also assist the police department at some events and have the option of doing ride-alongs.”