Barry Krebs provided the following report and photos from the Rivers Alive Georgia annual awards banquet (Cobb residents make note that McCleskey Middle School was one of the recipients):
Rivers Alive Georgia had their Annual Awards Banquet in downtown Atlanta giving praise to the exceptional volunteers who have gone “the extra mile” to keep our waterways clean and safe. Keep Georgia Beautiful, Keep Cobb Beautiful and Cobb County Water were represented. The featured speaker was EPD Director Jeff Cown. We were thrilled that Jim Moulton from Connect The Comet and Florida State University Alumni was recognized as the recipient of the Georgia Club Award for his terrific work on the Chattahoochee River. Jim also leads the Friends Of Bolton Park. In March, his groups worked with Keep Cobb Beautiful to clean up both sides of the Chattahoochee, removing over 5,000 lbs of junk from the river and nearby sites. Below is a list of other award winners:
Nonprofit Award-Lake Lanier Association
Georgia School Award-McCleskey Middle School
Coastal Cleanup Award-Keep Liberty Beautiful
Organizer Of The Year Award-Mary Carol Sheffield
Keep Georgia Beautiful Award-City of Alpharetta
Scouts Award-Girl Scout Troop 30002
Adopt-A-Stream Award-Sierra Club Centennial Group
Business Organization of the Year Award-Blue Ridge Mtn Trout Unlimited
Confluence Award-Great Lake Allatoona Cleanup
Government Partner Award-US Army Corps of Engineers
Georgia School Award-Geoscience Club of West Georgia University
We appreciate Rivers Alive Georgia and all of these wonderful award winners who are working hard to keep our waterways clean.
Photos provided by Barry Krebs
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