Light turnout in Cobb BOC districts 2 and 4 special elections advance voting

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By Mark Woolsey

Early voting in the special primary for Cobb County Commission districts 2 and 4 was smooth but slow.

Figures from the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration website showed 3,333 votes cast during the Feb. 1-7 advance voting period, with the overwhelming majority of them-some 99. 2 percent-coming as a result of in-person, not mail voting.

The elections office says that 2,907 Democratic ballots were cast, with 400 Republican ballots tallied, for a total of 3,307 votes cast in person.

Eight candidates are vying for their parties’ nominations in the districts in the primary vote scheduled for Tuesday. A judge declared the seats vacant following a long-running battle over whether the state legislature’s commission district map or a county “home rule” map would take precedence. The special election was judicially mandated.

If a runoff becomes necessary after the vote on Tuesday, that vote will take place March 11. The general election vote is set for April 29.