Cobb Police officer charged in sexual assault

Cobb County Police car

UPDATE: Cobb County Police Chief Tim Cox will hold a press conference at this afternoon about this incident.

Also, Sgt. Delk issued the following clarification about the warrant:

This is a Cobb County Police Department investigation and our Crimes Against Persons Unit secured the warrant for Alcaraz’s arrest. All warrants secured through the Cobb County Magistrate Office are turned over to the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office for execution.

According to a news release from Sgt. Wayne Delk of the Cobb County Police Department, a Cobb officer has been charged with sexual assault. The officer was placed on administrative leave, and resigned from the department yesterday..

The news release states:

A little over a week ago, the female victim spoke with another officer during an unrelated incident and disclosed she had been sexually assaulted by an unknown on-duty Cobb County officer during an encounter in May 2019. An investigation was launched and conducted by the Cobb County Police Department’s Crimes Against Persons Unit as well as Cobb County Police Internal Affairs Unit.

Today a warrant was issued for Andres Alcaraz for “Sexual Assault/Law Enforcement (felony).”

The Cobb County Sheriff’s Office has the warrant, and as of 6 p.m. (the time the press release was issued) Alcaraz was not yet in custody.

1 Comment on "Cobb Police officer charged in sexual assault"

  1. So a police officer gets time to settle their affairs prior to arrest while citizens can be pounced-upon for the high crime of working from home. Happened to me, and I am just about DONE with being nice. They will whitewash misconduct yet stack SWAT up at a door without even a warrant (this, too, has happened to me). The misconduct and lies that have passed right under the noses of the public for so long need exposure.

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