Armed robbery and homicide on Olive Springs Road

Cobb County Police car

According to a public information release from Sgt. Wayne Delk of the Cobb County Police Department the Crimes Against Persons Unit is investigating an armed robbery and homicide that occurred on Olive Springs Road near Marietta.

The incident occurred on Sunday, March 22, 2020 at approximately 9:02 p.m.

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The public information release describes the incident as follows. [It is the policy of the Courier to redact the names of suspects and defendants until a conviction or a guilty plea takes place]:

Patrol officers initially responded to a call of a person shot on Olive Circle. It was later determined that that individual, 21-year-old [Suspect 1], had been shot in the leg at 1929 Olive Springs Road while attempting an armed robbery along with two other suspects. A second suspect, 21-year-old [Suspect 2], was shot by a 17-year-old juvenile resident during the robbery attempt and died at the scene. A third suspect, a 16-year-old juvenile, was found later.

[Suspect 1] and the 16-year-old juvenile have been charged with Murder, Aggravated Assault, Attempted Armed Robbery, Burglary, and Possession of a Firearm During The Commission of a Crime.

Crimes Against Persons Unit

The Crimes Against Persons Division of the Cobb County Police Department is broken down into several specialized units, to investigate homicides, robberies, technology-based crime, domestic violence and stalking, and crimes against children. It has a unit that does crime analysis to identify evidence to help link cases and identify suspects.

The division also houses the Crime Scene Unit that according to the division’s website “is responsible for documenting and processing crime scenes to locate evidence, identify suspects, and to present evidence in criminal proceedings. Crime scene technicians are responsible for processing evidence utilizing a variety of procedures for fingerprint, DNA, and trace evidence.”