At least 70,000 ballots remain to be counted in Cobb County

absentee ballot drop box

The Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration announced this afternoon that the count on the county’s official election page only reflects early and election-day voting.

As of this afternoon 70,000 mail-in ballots, plus a number of provisional ballots are outstanding.

[To give credit where credit is due,we were first alerted to this in an article by Meris Lutz in the AJC]

The Board of Elections posted the following:

PRIMARY ELECTION UPDATE – Cobb Elections officials continue to tally ballots from Tuesday’s Primary Election.

The results listed here: show the count from Tuesday’s in-person voting and early voting.

But the majority of the absentee ballots either mailed in or dropped off remain to be tallied. Work on sending in results from 70,000 of those absentee ballots is ongoing. Please check the results page later today as those counts continue to come in.

Until the Board of Elections and Resgistration adds the additional ballots, the Courier will not be reporting on election results.

1 Comment on "At least 70,000 ballots remain to be counted in Cobb County"

  1. First hand experience from elderly victims of heinous crime who ‘A.D.A.’ Jason Marbutt FURTHER ABUSED (in collaboration with upper and lower ‘staff’):
    To be elementary, Marbutt isn’t fit to be a dogcatcher. He’s simple-minded, has multiple complexes, is flawed beyond repair and looks after ONLY his best interest and those ‘of his own’ … Well founded and documented. It will be a horrific tragedy IF Jason Marbutt, the self proclaimed ‘doer of all things right’ (which is a blatant lie) is provided frightening undue power via the sanctity of a judge’s bench. Praying for ANYONE other than this fraud of an ‘official’ and person to be elected!!! Regardless Marbutt WILL see pure justice via proper channels. Marbutt, you and your equally abusive ‘collaborators’ are NOT beyond reach of proper justice whether in a ‘protected official’ position or not. There ARE those in positions of greater authority who WILL hold you, Marbutt, and those others involved in your dirty machinations fully and strongly accountable!

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