Powder Springs to hold dialogue on race, prejudice and social injustice this Thursday

Powder Springs City HallPowder Springs City Hall (photo by Larry Felton Johnson)

The CIty of Powder Springs, through its 4P program, will be holding a community dialogue Thursday, Aug. 27, at 7 p.m.

The program will be streamed on the city’s Facebook page at http://facebook.com/CityOfPowderSprings.

The news release for the program states, “The conversation will focus on current events that pertain to race, prejudice, social injustice, and strategies to bring our community closer together.”

The city is asking that residents fill out a survey, available in English and Spanish, available via the following links:

Survey in English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UnitingOurCommunitySurvey

Haga la encuesta en español aqui: https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/EncuestaUniendoNuestraComunidad

You can also submit questions for the panel at 4PCommunityConversation@cityofpowdersprings.org by Thursday, Aug. 20, at 3 p.m.

“We will do our best to address as many questions as possible in our allotted time and will consolidate frequently asked or similar questions in nature,” the news release states.

About the 4P program

The City of Powder Springs describes its 4P program as follows:

The City of Powder Springs “Pastors, Principals, Parks, & Police” program, known as our 4P program, has become a staple outreach program throughout our community and surrounding area. The 4P program has evolved from what started as “Bridging the GAP” initiative to help build stronger relationships with our community to a complete engagement program that involves our community and is comprised of leaders from our area clergy, schools, parks & recreation, and police.

3 Comments on "Powder Springs to hold dialogue on race, prejudice and social injustice this Thursday"

  1. Joey Rutledge | August 25, 2020 at 1:08 pm |

    Both surveys appear to be closed and there’s nothing on the Facebook page about this event. Is there somewhere else this event is documented to be happening?

    • Joey Rutledge | August 25, 2020 at 1:11 pm |

      disregard, saw that comments on the survey closed on the 20th. Same info here on the city of powder springs webpage: https://www.cityofpowdersprings.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=844

    • It really didn’t seem to get much push-out on social media from the city. I ran the article mostly as a reminder after noticing it on the city’s website, and the announcement didn’t say how to access the event (I wound up phoning the city to find out it would be on the Facebook page). I didn’t realize the surveys had already closed, or would have omitted them from the article. It seems early to close a survey for an event a week later.

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