The Senior Citizen Council of Cobb County (SCC) held an event Monday in front of the Cobb Senior Services headquarters to package resources for seniors during emergencies, and included potentially life-saving items for the COVID-18 pandemic.
The resource kits are called Vial of Life Plus, and the SCC is asking for donations from the community so they can create and distribute as many of the kits as possible.
The Vial of Life is a national program.
A senior places the packet on their refrigerator door, and stickers on their front and back door to inform first responders who arrive at their house during an emergency that medical and other relevant information about the senior is affixed to the refrigerator.
SCC expanded the Vial of Life by adding a thermometer, hand sanitizer, and a mask to the kits.
SCC President June Van Brackle told the Courier during the event, “This morning, we are packing our Vial of Life Plus program, and it’s different than the regular Vial of Life, which just has information that you put on your refrigerator. For this one, we add in a thermometer, a mask, and hand sanitizer, and a medical form that goes in a package.”
She said that SCC is partnering with Cobb Senior Services to distribute the packets with the Meals on Wheels.
Dr. Jatunn Gibson, the Director of Senior Services for Cobb County, wrote the Courier in an email, “The Vials of Life Plus Program can be life-saving for our Seniors. This program gives first responders vital information if the person can’t respond or in times of an emergency we can all forget details.”
“The time that is saved trying to figure out medical information can now be used to begin treatment,” she wrote. “With the additional personal protective equipment needed due to COVID, many of our seniors will receive a mask, hand sanitizer, and a thermometer. These items are of great value as we continue to address COVID and maintain our health.”
In the announcement about Monday’s event, Linda Harris wrote, “We are anxious to get publicity for this program. We need to raise about $3000 for each 1000 VIAL OF LIFE PLUS packets. The SCC has already received $1000 from Piedmont Church in Marietta and $500 from State Farm Insurance for this effort. There are approximately 100,000 seniors aged 65 and above who live in Cobb County and it is estimated that over one-third do not have a themometer in their home.”
Photos from the Vial of Life Plus event

I have participated in this program in the past and it’s very beneficial for all seniors such as myself. We never know when life can turn for the worst? And with having the vaules of life in my home I feel comfortable in knowing that all my information is available for the first responders are anyone else if I am unable to speak. Thank you Jun VanBarker.