KIDS CARE and the Cobb County Police Department are the sponsors of a school supply donation drive at the Cobb County Civic Center this Friday, July 23 2021, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
When asked by the Courier to provide more information about the event, and about the organization, KIDS CARE Co-Founder Amie Burke provided the following:
At the “Backing the Need” event, youth & adult volunteers from KIDS CARE will collect donations from the public consisting of new backpacks, non-perishable snacks and new school supplies to be distributed to students of all ages who need them in Cobb County.
Donations needed consist of basic school supplies including these examples: backpacks, paper, pencils, erasers, rulers, glue sticks, pencil sharpeners, pens, pocket dictionaries, highlighters, calculators, scientific calculators, USB drives, scissors, notebooks, and hand sanitizer.
KIDS CARE is a Marietta based nonprofit founded by a mother & her 11 year old daughter. When her daughter, Jaida, was 8 years old, mom Amie Burke states that “she created an acrostic poem for the word KIDS and it stood for Kindness In Doing Service (KIDS) and that she wanted to start a club for kids to get together to do nice things for other people”. So Jaida & Amie then created CARE which stands for Connecting And Respecting Everyone (CARE). KIDS CARE was born in Marietta and officially became a nonprofit in 2019. To date, KIDS CARE mission is to create, support and implement youth community service projects. Youth from KIDS CARE created the idea to collect backpacks with school supplies to give to their peers who needed them. To see some of KIDS CARE service givings or become a volunteer visit their website at :
On Saturday, July 17, 2021 KIDS CARE and the Cobb County Police Department hosted their first school supply collection drive in which they received & filled 33 backpacks with donated school supplies. They are hopeful this Friday to receive more donations from the public – as Amie Burke, Co-Founder likes to say “the more we get the more we can give. Please consider giving youth in need an opportunity to start their school year with the supplies they need to succeed.”