Qualifying to run for office in Powder Springs municipal elections starts tomorrow

Powder Springs City HallPowder Springs City Hall (photo by Larry Felton Johnson)

Cobb County issued the following news with updated information on qualifying dates for municipal elections on November 3. The qualifying dates, time, and location for Powder Springs was added. The elections for Wards 1, 2, and 3 will be on the ballot:

  • Mon, 08/16/2021 – 08:30 AM – 04:30 PM
  • Tue, 08/17/2021 – 08:30 AM – 04:30 PM
  • Wed, 08/18/2021 – 08:30 AM – 04:30 PM

Each candidate must meet the qualifications for office as prescribed by State Law and Municipal Code. Each candidate or his or her designee shall file a Notice of Candidacy and Affidavit form, which is available at www.sos.ga.gov and will also be provided at the qualifying location. The qualifying fee shall be payable by cash, check, or money order made out to the City.

Powder Springs City Hall (2nd Floor Conference Room)
4484 Marietta Street
Powder Springs, GA 30127

  • TBD
  • 8:30am – 4:30pm
  • closed for lunch 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Qualifying Fees can be found here.

For additional information, contact Cobb Elections & Registration at:

(770) 528-2581