If you are in need of rental assistance, Cobb County announced on Monday that the nonprofits who are partnered with the county to distribute federal rental and utility assistance to residents impacted by COVID-19 have now distributed 60 percent of the county’s allocation of funds.
That means 40 percent of the funds are still available to be distributed to eligible renters.
The county wrote in their news release:
This is much faster than most jurisdictions. Help is still available and if you face eviction or are behind in utility payments seek help! To learn how to get help visit www.cobbcounty.org/ERA.
Funds also available for cases of non-COVID-related hardship
Funds are also available to those residents facing eviction whose hardship is not directly related to COVID-19.
The non-COVID-related assistance is available through the Community Development Block Grant program.
The two programs listed include:
HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program described as follows:
The primary purpose of the HOME Program is to expand affordable housing options for persons of low and moderate-income. A HOME eligible activity, Tenant Based Rental Assistance(TBRA), provides monthly rental assistance, security & utility deposits for clients with income at or below 80% AMI.
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program described as follows:
The primary purpose of the ESG Program is to assist people in quickly regaining stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness. Homelessness prevention activities serve clients who are at-risk of becoming homeless and with incomes at or below 30% AMI.
To apply for these funds contact one of the following organizations:
- HOPE Atlanta 404-817-7070
- Latin American Association 404-638-1800
- MUST Ministries 770-427-9862
- St. Vincent de Paul Georgia 678-892-6163
- Center for Family Resources 770-428-2601
- Zion Baptist Church 770-427-8749
- Zion Keepers 678-388-0218
For more information on evictions and other topics related to renting follow this link to the Cobb County Courier’s past coverage of the issue.