Cobb election Director Janine Eveler recognized at Georgia election officials conference

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The 2020 elections were rough on elections officials in every county in Georgia. But in Cobb County it was a particularly challenging job, where false claims of election fraud led to equally false accusations of the shredding of ballots, and where voting rolls were challenged in a game of dueling spreadsheets.

Those pressures were added to the already heavy workload of a high-turnout, hotly-contested presidential election.

But in this calm-before-the-storm year, when the upcoming municipal elections are the main contests of 2021, Cobb County Elections Director Janine Eveler received professional recognition from her fellow election officials for her work.

She was selected as the winner of the 2021 Ann Hicks Award during the 2021  Georgia Association of Voter Registration and Elections Officials Conference.   This award is presented to an election official to recognize their excellence in elections administration in the year prior to the conference. 

“It’s an honor to be selected for this award from the many outstanding Election Directors in Georgia,” Eveler said afterward. “This recognition is also a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Cobb Elections department staff and to the hard work of our poll workers.”

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger presented the award.  

The Courier asked Eveler in an email to give her reaction to the award, and she wrote, “I just want everyone to know that an honor like this doesn’t just belong to me. It really says so much about the dedicated and knowledgeable staff we have here at Cobb Elections. I realize there are some who still have questions about past elections, but we’re doing all we can to be transparent and thorough, so we can demonstrate the integrity of our operation.”

1 Comment on "Cobb election Director Janine Eveler recognized at Georgia election officials conference"

  1. Interesting that Everler wins this award, but there was evidence of fraud in the Cobb County elections last November. This fraud has been ignored or severely under-reported by main stream media.

    One example is Susan Knox’s testimony given to Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections (December 30, 2020) ballots being shredded at Jim R. Miller Park.

    Another is Mayra Romera, another registered Democrat, gave testimony that while monitoring the Cobb County recount, she noticed that “hundreds of these ballots seemed impeccable, with no folds or creases. The bubble selections were perfectly made … and all happened to be selections for Biden.” You can read more about this on the Real Clear Investigations Website.

    There are others, if you care to look.

    So Georgia has effectively become a third world nation with regard to elections. Whistleblower election officials get fired and where there is strong evidence of rampant fraud we give awards.

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