A good way to earn money and at the same time to help ensure that the American ideal of free and fair elections goes smoothly, is to take one of the temporary jobs related to Cobb County elections.
The following was posted to the Cobb County Facebook page:
EARN EXTRA CA$H! Cobb Election Prep Center needs paid helpers to deliver and pick up supplies from polling places.
Dates: Oct 25- Nov 1 & Nov 3-9.Work is 7:30 am – 4 pm (approx). Pays $17.68/hour. Work will be from these two locations: 2405 North Cobb Pkwy, Kennesaw. 995 Roswell St, Marietta. For more info, please contact 678-581-5424 or gerry.miller@cobbcounty.org
In addition to this election prep job, the County Elections department often needs poll workers for election days. Check with the Cobb elections page periodically to look for announcements of job openings.