You can help the environment by planting with the Marietta Tree Keepers

A large tree to the left of frame, surrounded by green undergrowth

Do you want to take part in a volunteer effort that helps the environment and provides you with outdoor exercise?

The City of Marietta announced that the Marietta Tree Keepers need volunteers for a tree planting on February 12, 9:30 a.m. at The City Club Golf Course at 510 Powder Springs Street, Marietta, Georgia 30064.

The announcement on the website describes the directions, the way you participate, and what will be provided as follows:

Meet at the back of the clubhouse for golf cart transportation to the site on the grounds.  Location phone number is 770-528-GOLF (4653).  Directions:  From I-75 take exit 263 (120 South Loop), go west 3.5 miles to Powder Springs Street (360), turn left, approximately 1/4 mile on the right, turn into the entrance of the Hilton Atlanta/Marietta Conference Center. The City Club Marietta clubhouse is to the left of the hotel.


Please join us as we plant trees to reforest our community.  Grab a friend or a family member and donate your Saturday morning to help Marietta Tree Keepers put more trees in the ground.  Dress for the weather, which is expected to be cold.  Tools and gloves included.  Donuts, hot chocolate and hot coffee provided.  In case of bad weather please call 770-424-4664 Call +1 770-424-4664 via Google Voicefor weather updates and rain date.  Large groups please contact us with your number of volunteers that will be in attendance.

Benefits of planting trees

In addition to creating more pleasant scenery, increasing the number of trees has a direct impact on the environment. Deforestation is a major contributor to climate change.

The following quote from a climate scientist makes the point that reversing deforestation and creating a greener community can provide is part of protecting the environment.

“Data and science speaks for itself. There is no dearth of data which show that climate change has impacted our natural environment, weather patterns, health and economy. It is time to act. We have to make alternative choices which are greener, healthier and environmentally friendly. Less deforestation, creating more green spaces; more efficient fuel, trapping renewable energy like wind, solar and waves; electric vehicles; climate change education and awareness, all of these will help us slow and eventually stall the climate change wheel, leaving behind a better world for the future generations.”

  • Chandana Mitra, PhD
    Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, Auburn University

About the Marietta Tree Keepers

The Marietta Tree Keepers describes itself as follows on its web page on the City of Marietta website:

Marietta Tree Keepers is a 501(c)(3)non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to planting, preserving and protecting trees in and around the city of Marietta, Georgia.  Marietta is a city rich in history, yet challenged by tremendous growth.

Our main strategy is to educate the public about trees; their selection, planting, watering and maintenance. We help them to understand the importance of our abundant great trees, which we are fortunate to have in this 180 year old community. Where once these trees were cleared for farming, now they are once again threatened by development and road construction.  We emphasize the many benefits that trees have for our community such as: reducing air and noise pollution, cooling the air, conserving energy and helping to manage our precious water resources, reducing soil erosion, enhancing wildlife habitat and greenspace, not to mention raising property values.

About the City of Marietta

The City of Marietta is the county seat of Cobb County. The latest estimate from the U.S. Census Bureau puts the population of the city at 60,867 which makes it the largest city in Cobb County by population.

However, the city is in a neck-and-neck race with fast-growing Smyrna, whose population was 56,666 at the last estimate.

Here are a few fast facts from the Census Bureau

Marietta city, Georgia

2019 Population Estimates 60,867

Source: Vintage 2019 Population Estimates

Median Household Income $ 57,452

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Persons in poverty, percent 14.0 %

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Educational Attainment: Percent high school graduate or higher 87.7 %

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Persons without health insurance, percent 18.1 %

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Median Housing Value $ 287,600

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Total Housing Units 26,878

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Number of Firms 10,501

Source: 2012 Survey of Business Owners: Company Summary

Male Median Income $ 36,894

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Female Median Income $ 29,239

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Veterans 3,132

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Percent of households with a broadband Internet subscription 84.9 %

Source: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

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