by Caleb Groves
At its zoning meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024, the Cobb County Board of Commissioners approved rezoning that will allow the construction of an insurance office off Mableton Parkway in Mableton.
The case number of the application is Z-1-2024.
The applicant, Mirna Aracely Torres Castro, requested to rezone the property on the east side of Mableton Parkway and on the north side of Community Road from residential housing and planned shopping center zoning to limited retail commercial zoning.

Representing the applicant, Darrell Johnson presented the latest site plan updates for the property, including underground detention for stormwater and an additional entrance off of Community Road.
“We have designed a site strategically so that there were no issues with any incoming traffic off of Mableton Parkway,” Johnson said.
The pastors of New Life Missionary Baptist Church, Ronald McCrary and Inell McCrary, were concerned about how their church off of Community Road’s septic system may impact the applicant’s property.
To address septic concerns, Cobb County Water Plan Review Engineer Tim Davidson said the applicant will be required to connect to the nearby sewer and the property would not impact the church’s septic system.
Though the church and the applicant’s office would operate on different days, McCray wanted to ensure this would not create traffic issues.
“Their entrance will be our entrance,” McCray said.
The BOC approved the Rezoning application 5-0.
For the construction of the office space, the BOC, is implementing these stipulations, including the construction of a sidewalk along Community Road, restricting construction vehicles to the applicant’s property and limiting construction hours to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
“It appears that the business would be a great addition to the commercial corridor of Mableton Parkway,” District 4 Commissioner Monique Sheffield said. “There is a lot happening along that corridor, with the trails, there’s new developments, so there’s a lot there. So we’re really excited about the development of that corridor.”

Caleb Groves is a Journalism student at Kennesaw State University, where he is a junior.
Originally from Minnesota, Caleb moved to Georgia with his family, where he now lives in Woodstock with his Father, Stepmom and numerous pets.
When he is not in writing, in class or coaching rock climbing, he spends his time listening to music and rock climbing both indoors and out