Lisa Cupid’s statement on the shout of “Heil Hitler” at the Cobb election board meeting

Lisa Cupid at her second swearing-in - Photo by Larry Felton Johnson

Photo of Lisa Cupid at her second swearing-in ceremony: Larry Johnson/Cobb County Courier

Cobb County Board of Commissioners Chairwoman Lisa Cupid made the following statement about the shout of “Heil Hitler” from an audience member that caused the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration meeting last Monday to adjourn early:

With profound disappointment, I must address a deeply troubling incident that occurred during a recent Cobb County Board of Elections meeting. A shouted comment referencing Hitler by an audience member was not only highly inappropriate and offensive but also wholly unacceptable in any public discourse.

While the First Amendment protects our right to free speech, it does not shield speech that is inciteful, threatening, or defamatory. Even when speech is hateful or deeply offensive, there are limits. The invocation of a figure like Hitler, whose legacy is marked by horrific atrocities, shows a grievous disregard for our fellow citizens, particularly those of the Jewish faith, as well as the values of respect and decency that our community holds dear. Such actions are not just offensive; they undermine the integrity of our discussions and compromise the important work we do on behalf of our residents, businesses, and stakeholders.

We remain committed to upholding the principles of free expression. However, we must also insist on a standard of civility in our public forums. We owe it to ourselves and our community to ensure that public discourse reflects the dignity and respect that every individual deserves.


The incident occurred after a resident made increasingly insulting and accusatory comments during the public comment section about a board member.

Speaking from the dais, the commenter demanded that board member Jennifer Mosbacher recuse herself from board decisions for failing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance after it was added to the meeting last year.

“Until she explains herself, she must recuse herself on all votes,” The commenter stated. He stated Mosbacher’s “continued presence on this board implicates” board chair Tori Silas and BOC Chairwoman Lisa Cupid.

He also accused Mosbacher of being a communist. After he finished speaking, an audience member shouted, “Heil Hitler!”

Chairwoman Tori Silas asked the person who shouted to identify themself and leave the room. When that got no results, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting and it passed with one abstention.