Scout Troop 22 and other volunteer: photo courtesy of Barry Krebs
Avid community volunteer Barry Krebs submitted two reports with photos of neighborhood litter cleanups in Cobb County.
Boy Scout Troop #22 takes on Cooper Lake Road
The first took place on Cooper Lake Road in Mableton.
Here’s the report:
Boy Scout Troop # 22 got a little wet as a sudden downpour caught them along with other volunteers including City Councilwoman Patty Auch, the Lake Hill Ladies and the South Cobb Lions Club. Prior to the rain, they were able to remove 14 bags of litter from Cooper Lake Road in Mableton. The road looks much nicer now. The troop leader created a contest for the scout finding the largest piece of litter, the grossest piece of litter and the most unusual piece of litter. They had some great prizes such as the new Coke Oreos and new Hot Pringles flavors. It was fun and we appreciate their time and effort.

Friends of Mableton litter cleanup
Barry submitted the following report and photos from a cleanup in Mableton:
The Friends of Mableton which includes City of Mableton Councilwoman Patty Auch and South Cobb Lions removed 18 bags of litter, a tire and a shopping cart from downtown Mableton. We were mainly present to support a potential Adopt-A-Mile sponsor, Kristin. Once we got moving, we warmed up as we took care of this whole area. We saw a lot of the same items littered along the roads indicating that it is only a couple of litterers making the mess. If we can get them to stop, this area will remain looking good.
If you or your organization are interested in learning more about the Adopt-A-Mile program, please reach out to Dawn at . She will get you all of the details and supplies.