Chief Scott Hamilton issues statement about his resignation from the Austell Police Department

Police Chief Scott Hamilton at the State of the Police address

PHOTO: Chief Scott Hamilton speaks at State of the Police Department event

Austell Police Chief Scott Hamilton issued the following statement about his resignation from the department:

To: Whom It May Concern

Re: Chief Scott Hamilton’s Notice of Resignation

” First, I would like to thank God, my Lord and Savior, for with him, all things are possible. I would like to thank Mayor Ollie Clemons, Austell City Council, and the loyal citizens of Austell for allowing me to be their Police Chief for the past 2 1/2 years. I’ve decided to step down as the Police Chief. It has been my responsibility to ensure that the safety and quality of life for the citizens of Austell is preserved. I also have a responsibility to my staff to provide an environment for career development, training, and education. I feel I have completed both of those tasks. My command staff is fully prepared to continue the journey we have started to ensure Austell PD is one of the best police departments in the state.

In my tenure, my staff and I have worked countless hours to create a department that is currently in the process of receiving its’ first state certification in the history of the department’s existence.

So, I feel it’s time to spend some quality time with my family and make some decisions about the next chapter. As our vision statement states, ‘Success is a journey, NOT a destination’. “