The Friends of Smyrna Library present “Mrs. Lincoln: The ‘First’ First Lady”

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Friends of Smyrna Public Library distributed the following news release:

The Friends of Smyrna Library are presenting Mrs. Lincoln: The “First” First Lady starring Laura F. Keyes, as Mary Todd Lincoln. This educational performance and fundraiser, celebrating the nonprofit group’s 35th anniversary, will be held at the Smyrna Community Center on Sunday, April 13, 2025 at 3 pm. The show includes an Afternoon Tea service. This is a ticketed event ($35) with limited seating.

Mary Todd Lincoln lived a life filled with triumphs and tragedies, but few people know her story. Now, librarian Laura F. Keyes shares Mary’s story in an entertaining and educational program entitled Mrs. Lincoln: The “First” First Lady, focusing on the life and losses of Mrs. Lincoln, set on April 14, 1865.

This program depicts an extraordinarily important time in our nation’s history from a point of view that is not often explored. Learn how Mary Lincoln influenced monumental events in her lifetime and why her story is still relevant today. Enjoy a short performance preview of Ms. Keyes on YouTube at

Biography: Laura Keyes graduated from UW-Madison with a Master’s Degree in Library Studies, and is Director of the Dunlap Public Library. Laura is a lifetime member of the Association of Lincoln Presenters, and recently won the Mary Todd Lincoln Oratory Contest at the Lincoln Days celebration in Hodgenville, KY.

Buy tickets online at via Eventbrite Ticketing. Printed tickets are also on sale at:

Smyrna Public Library Circulation Desk, 100 Village Green Cir SE, Smyrna, GA 30080
Gifting Tree & the Secret Garden, 1275 Concord Rd SE, Smyrna, GA 30080
Vickery Hardware, 881 Concord Rd SE, Smyrna, GA 30080

About Friends of Smyrna Library

The Friends of Smyrna Library is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer organization that supports the Smyrna Library through fundraising, underwriting grants & purchases, program sponsorship, and volunteer recruitment. To learn more about the Friends of Smyrna Library, visit FOSL is celebrating its 35th anniversary in 2025.

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