Cobb Senior Centers to reopen October 5

Cobb County Senior Services building with article about Tim D Lee Center reopening

Cobb Senior Centers to reopen October 5

It was announced in the periodic email from Cobb Senior Services this morning as follows:

We will reopen the senior centers on Monday, October 5 with limited hours and programs. Everyone must be registered in advance before coming to a center, temperature screenings will be conducted at the door, and rooms will be setup to allow social distancing. While there will be some in-person activities, we will continue to offer virtual programs on our Facebook pages and via online links. We have given much thought and care in preparing for seniors to return and are eagerly looking forward to seeing them. The full details and protocols can be found at

The exceptions to the reopenings are the North Cobb and Tim Lee centers. North Cobb Senior Center will open on Monday, November 5 after the elections, and the Tim D. Lee Senior Center in East Cobb is closed for renovations until further notice.

The Cobb Senior Services website describes the protocols as follows:

  1. Stay home if you do not feel well; Do not enter a facility if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
  2. Before entering any Cobb Senior Services (CSS) building, all persons (patrons, volunteers, instructors, vendors, staff) must submit to a screening to include:
    1. Temperature check. A reading of 100.4 or above will not be granted entrance.
    2. Question: Are you experiencing cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or other respiratory problems?
    3. You will be given a color-coded sticker after passing the above checks. This is to be worn while you are in the building. A different color will be given each day.
  3. Any person who does not pass, or refuses, the temperature or screening question will not be permitted to enter the building.
  4. Any person showing signs of illness while in any CSS building will be asked to leave or will be directed to a “sick room” to wait for their ride home.
  5. In the event a person tests positive for COVID-19 after attending a senior center:
    1. The center will be closed immediately for extensive cleaning. 
    2. We request that the person who tested positive notify the center manager.
    3. Everyone who was at the center during the same time as that person will be notified. *The name of the person will not be disclosed to anyone except CSS management.
  6. A mask is mandated to be worn inside CSS buildings. A mask will be provided if you arrive without one.
  7. Hands should be washed often with soap and water for 20 seconds.  If unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand rub; hand sanitizers are available in all CSS buildings.

For more information

For more information, and a description of other precautions the centers will be taking, follow this link.