Dispose of hazardous household waste courtesy of Keep Cobb Beautiful

Cobb County government building sign, a vertical rectangular sign with the words "Board of Commissioners," "County Clerk," "County Manager," "County Office," "Employment," and a wheelchair entrance icon

Keep Cobb Beautiful’s annual home hazardous waste collection event is next Saturday, June 18, 9 a.m. to noon at Jim R. Miller Park, 2245 Callaway Road, Marietta.

You can register for the event by following this link.

Cobb County‘s weekly newsletter described the event:

You may bring many auto, garden, paint, hobby and pet products that cannot be recycled because they are considered hazardous to the environment.

Items accepted and items not accepted

The Keep Cobb Beautiful website posted the following list of times accepted /not accepted:

Accepted Items

Auto Products

Anti FreezeCarburetor CleanerOil Filters
Auto Body FillerDiesel FuelPower Steering Fluid
Batteries (Auto/Boat – any type)Engine DegreaserRadiator Flushes
Brake FluidGasolineTransmission Fluid
Car Cleaners, Waxes, Chrome PolishOil (used or unused) 

 Garden Products

FertilizersInsecticidesRodent Poison
FungicidesPesticidesSoil Fumigants
HerbicidesRoach/Ant KillerWeed Killers

 Household Products

Abrasive CleanersDrain Openers/CleanersPool Chemicals
AerosolsFire ExtinguishersPropane/Compressed Gas Cylinders
Ammonia-Based CleanersFloor Cleaner & WaxRug & Upholstery Cleaner
Batteries (any type)Fluorescent Lamp BallastsRust & Spot Remover
Bleach CleanersFurniture PolishSilver Cleaners
Cooking Oil/GreaseKerosene, Lamp OilSmoke Detectors
Compact Florescent Lights (CFLs)Mercury SwitchesThermometers
CosmeticsMetal CleanersThermostats
DegreasersMoth BallsToilet Cleaner
DeodorizersNail Polish & Remover 
DisinfectantsOven Cleaner 

 Paint, Hobby & Pet Products

AdhesivesLacquer, StainPropane tanks
Caulks, Glue, CementMineral SpiritsResins, Epoxy
Chemistry SetsModel Airplane PaintRubber Cement Thinner
Driveway SealerPaint (latex & oil based)Rust Proofing Products
Flea CollarsPaint Remover/StripperTurpentine
Flea Powder, Sprays, ShampoosPaint ThinnersVarnishes
Helium TanksPhotographic Chemicals & SolutionsWood Preservatives

Items Not Accepted

Agricultural WasteAmmunitionAppliances**
Bio-hazardous or Bio-medical WasteControlled Substances*Electronics**
ExplosivesMedications of any type*Radioactive Materials

*These items can be disposed of at our Medication Take Back Day.

** These items can be disposed of at our Community Recycling Event.