For the second meeting in a row, the Smyrna city council passed an ordinance loosening restrictions on alcohol consumption. Earlier in November the council added three new zones where patrons…
The Campbell High School Drama Club will perform Nunsense, the popular musical by Dan Goggin inspired by a line of humorous greeting cards. The show will run this Thursday November…
The City of Smyrna jumped on the open container trend in February, allowing carry-out of alcoholic beverages at downtown restaurants into the Village Green area. Monday night, the city council…
Artists, musicians, and local coffee fiends will come together for Rev Coffee Roasters’ Fall Rev Fest at its location in Smyrna this Saturday, October 6. Rev Fest is held every…
The Riverview Landing apartments are beginning to take shape, with the addition of waferboard sheathing. This makes the future appearance of the development more obvious. Also, the road work and much…
Smyrna’s WoofStock Pet Party in the Park will return for its 17th year this Saturday and Sunday, September 29 and 30, at Smyrna Market Village. What is Woofstock? Woofstock is…
Cobb County residents and visitors can sample food and appetizers from more than 30 local restaurants at the annual Taste of Smyrna “Festival of Delectable,” which will take place in…
The City of Smyrna is jumping on a growing worldwide trend by closing streets to automobiles in favor of walkers, joggers and bikers on Sunday, Oct. 14. Open Streets will…
Carl Gregory Stroud will stand trial for an incident that began with an attempt to shoplift $208 of beer and meat from a Smyrna Kroger, and after a wild chase…
There are a number of things that have moved forward since our last slideshow of the Riverview Landing construction progress. The site work started up in a serious way by…