Donate to the Cobb County Courier to support local independent online journalism

Courier logo, a yellow shape of cobb on a green logo

Hit the red button to decide between recurring or one-time support, and donate!

I’m sure you’ve read about the difficult economic times local journalism is operating under. Many legacy newspapers are scaling back or shutting down, and layoffs have affected the ability of news organizations to do the sort of in-depth reporting and investigations that local communities deserve.

Here at the Cobb County Courier, we intend to keep reporting the news and expanding coverage as we can afford it.

To do that we need the help of our readers.

Please consider visiting the link below, and making a secure donation to the Courier, either recurring or one-time as you can afford.

Donations to us are not tax deductible as we are not a 501-c-3, but donations will go directly to ensure that you continue to get important up-to-date news from around our county.