The Cobb County Board of Commissioners heard a presentation on a school anti-bullying campaign and contest that were held in South Cobb schools. The winners of the contest for elementary, middle, and high schools were also announced.

Commissioner Lisa Cupid (L) and Telecom Professionals for Social Responsibility CEO Barbara Carrington (second from left) with entrants in the anti-bullying campaign and their advisers (photo by Larry Felton Johnson)
The anti-bullying campaign
Before the BOC meeting, at a reception for the students, District 4 Cobb County Commissioner Lisa Cupid told the Courier,
Today we have an opportunity to recognize students who took part in a contest to address bullying or specifically to advocate anti-bullying within our schools. We`know that’s a national issue, and October just presented an opportunity for us to bring that issue to the forefront and have students address that concern. And today you’re taking part in a reception here for our students, to recognize them and their efforts to address bullying through different media.
One of them was an art contest, which the elementary students participated in. The middle school students participated in an essay contest, and our high school students participated in a video contest.
And at the Board of Commissioners meeting tonight we’re going to recognize the top three awardees for each of those segments. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Telecom Professionals for Social Responsibility. They have been addressing bullying in our community for a number of years. In fact, they reached out to me a few years ago when they were looking for space, and so when I thought about this topic they immediately came to mind, I thought they’d be a great partner to help students to be able to address this in a broader platform.
And the winners are: