The monthly zoning meeting of the Cobb County Board of Commissioners will be held tomorrow morning, Tuesday July 21, at 9 a.m.
The meeting will be at 100 Cherokee Street, Marietta. but will also be livestreamed on YouTube, Facebook and on the Cobb Website.
You can also sign up to comment via teleconference if you choose not to attend the meeting in person. Register and receive instructions by CLICKING HERE
You can look over the agenda for that meeting here. Bear in mind that cases are sometimes withdrawn or postponed after the agenda is prepared.
One of the most controversial cases on tomorrow’s agenda is in BOC District 3.
It is a rezoning request for the purpose of building a three-story medical office building at the intersection of Atlanta Road and Cumberland Parkway and was continued from the the June 16 zoning hearing.
The 4.9-acre property is also bordered by West Atlanta Road on the south, and has been the long-time site of the Oakdale Ace Hardware store.
The northmost part of Oakdale road terminates at the property.
The case is Z-24-2020.
County staff had recommended approval, and the Planning Commission recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve the request in a 4-0 vote at their zoning hearing on June 2, with Planning Commissioner Alice Summerour recusing herself from the case.
The applicant is Branch Acquisition Company, LLC, and if the BOC grants the request, the medical office building will be part of the Northside Hospital system.
The current zoning is NRC (Neighborhood Retail Commercial) and GC (General Commercial) and the applicant requests that be changed to OI (Office and institutional).
The project has met with considerable oppositions from community groups and HOAs in the Oakdale Road and West Village areas.
A number of other high-impact cases will be heard tomorrow, and you can learn about them by reading the agenda, visiting the online zoning analysis for July, and watching the July 7 Planning Commission meeting video online.