Cobb school board delays reopening until August 17

The logo on front of a Cobb County School District facilityCobb County School District sign (photo by Larry Felton Johnson)

At a special called meeting today the Cobb County Board of Education voted to delay the start of the 2020-2021 term until August 17.

The original plan, which outlined a hybrid system of options between virtual learning and face-to-face classroom, was a cause of community concern, and a number of petitions were circulated asking for a delay.

The Cobb County School District issued the following press release after the meeting:

During a special called meeting on July 2, the Cobb County School District Board of Education voted to delay the start of the 2020-2021 school year until August 17th in response to a recommendation by Superintendent Chris Ragsdale.

Delaying the start of school year will give Cobb students, parents, teachers, and principals time to prepare for the 2020-2021 school year as District staff reviews updated guidance from public health officials. 

“We are looking forward to welcoming Cobb students back to school. We are ready to see learning taking place but the health and safety of our students and staff is always our first priority. I am thankful to the Board for recognizing that a brief delay to the start of school year will give our students and staff the best opportunity for a successful school year,” said Superintendent Chris Ragsdale. 

Last week, during the June BOE meeting, the Superintendent announced that the District would be asking parents to choose between a “Face-to-Face” or “Full Remote” learning model for the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year. 

In anticipation of Thursday, July 2’s special-called Board of Education meeting, the District decided to postpone the window for parents to select a model for the upcoming school year. 

Students and parents will be notified of an updated timeline to make their decision, with details concerning the 2020-2021 school year, as soon as it becomes available. 

The Superintendent and District staff remain in close conversation with public health officials and remain committed to decision-making which prioritizes student and staff safety while giving families the flexibility to make choices that are best for them. 

All staff will report on their regularly scheduled date.

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