The Cobb County Courier is supported primarily by local advertising, and our partnerships with our advertisers is a win/win proposition.
We get the revenue we need to continue and expand our coverage.
Our advertisers get exposure to Cobb County’s residents.
The first step in advertising with us is to take a look at our media kit and price list.
I update the media kit on the first of each month, so you get to see what our audience is for the 28-day period before the first.
After that get in touch with me, and we’ll set up a brief virtual meeting (20 minutes or so). Just phone Larry at 404-664-2034 or email me at
After the meeting, when I’ve determined what your needs are, I’ll work up a proposal with three tiers (premium, mid-range, and cheap).
It’s that simple, and if you decide to take your advertising dollars elsewhere, you’ve only spent a half hour or so on it.