Upcoming Cobb County budget and millage rate hearings

Cobb County government building in article about rental assistanceCobb County government building (photo by Larry Felton Johnson)

The county held its first budget and millage rate hearing in conjunction with the July 13 meeting of the Cobb County Board of Commissioners.

The remaining hearings are as follows:

6:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 20
Budget public hearing
Millage public hearing

7 p.m., Tuesday, July 27
Budget adoption (no public hearing)
Millage public hearing and adoption

According to the news release on the county website, “Each meeting will be held in the BOC Room on the second floor of 100 Cherokee St., Marietta. You can also watch each meeting streamed live through the county’s website, cable TV channel, and Youtube page.  Visit www.cobbcounty.org/CobbTV to find your favorite streaming outlet.”

There are a number of resources to bring you up to speed on the budget and millage rate decision.

You can watch the following presentation from Cobb County Finance Director William Volckmann about the proposed county budget and millage rate.

The following documents are also useful in getting an overview of the budget:

FY 2022 Proposed Budget

FY21 Millage Rate Presentation – July 13, 2021

FY22 Budget Presentation – July 13, 2021

FY 2022 Budget Public Notice

2021 Millage Rate Public Hearings Notice

Notice of Property Tax Increase

2021 Tax Digest and Five-Year History

Tax increase and the rollback rate

One thing that often causes confusion when the budget rolls around is that the county advertises there will be a tax increase, but the millage rate stays the same.

The county website explains this as follows:

You may have seen public notices advertising for a “Property Tax Increase.”  Please note the Board of Commissioners does not plan on increasing the millage rate.

This notice is a state-mandated publication that indicates the county’s tax digest, the total assessed value of properties in the county has risen.  Our Tax Assessor indicates residential property values have risen despite the pandemic.

Those with the Homestead Exemption will not pay more for the county’s general fund.  Click here for an explanation of Cobb’s Homestead Exemption.

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