Interested in doing business with Cobb County? Virtual Lunch-n-Learn this Wednesday

Cobb map outline flanked by words Cobb County Business & IndustryImage created with Inkscape by Cobb County Courier

If you have a business and are interested in selling your goods or services to Cobb County, you’ll want to check out the following free webinar (information reprinted from the Cobb County website):

Cobb County Purchasing Department and Department of Public Safety – E911 Emergency Communications Center will be hosting a “How to Do Business with Cobb County Government” webinar.

This month’s free informational webinar info session will highlight E911 Emergency Communications Center.

Event number: 2303 438 4635
Event password: COBB

Audio conference information

+1-415-655-0003 U.S. Toll
Global call-in numbers

Join from a video system or application

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Please note: this is a virtual event and not being held at a physical location.