County-sponsored town hall meeting about the Cobb cityhood ballots this evening

Cobb County government building sign, a vertical rectangular sign with the words "Board of Commissioners," "County Clerk," "County Manager," "County Office," "Employment," and a wheelchair entrance icon

This is a reminder that the first in a series of town halls on the cityhood initiatives that will be on the ballot for East Cobb, Lost Mountain, Mableton and Vinings will be held this evening in the Board of Commissioners room.

The county posted the following notice to their social media:

Come join us for the first in a series of county town halls on the various cityhood efforts that voters will consider in May and November. The first town hall will take place Wednesday, March 9 from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners meeting room at 100 Cherokee Street, Marietta. 

Submit your questions in advance to

Background and resources

After a series of rushed-through votes in the Georgia legislature, the proposed city of East Cobb has been put on the May 24 ballot, and Cobb Elections Director Janine Eveler told the Courier in an email that the county is working under the assumption that the cityhood referenda for Lost Mountain and Vinings will also be on the ballot. At the time we talked to Eveler the GIS maps had not been received for Mableton, but the Mableton boundaries are on the county GIS map at this time.

So where can you get information on this rapidly looming decision?

The County has set up an extensive resource page that includes links to information about each of the proposed cities, including maps of the city limits, the feasibility studies conducted as a requirement for state legislation authorizing the referenda, and the legislation itself.

Wendy Parker, the publisher of East Cobb News, has been doing excellent coverage of the East Cobb cityhood movement from the beginning.

To read what the advocates for East Cobb cityhood are saying follow this link.

To hear from the opponents of East Cobb cityhood follow this link.

To read what the advocates for the City of Lost Mountain are saying follow this link to the Lost Mountain cityhood web page.

The Mableton cityhood supporters have a website at this link.

The Vinings cityhood advocates have a website at this link.