Upcoming government meetings for Cobb County and the cities in Cobb

Map of Cobb County with the cities labeled Acworth, Austell, Kennesaw, Marietta, Powder Springs, SmyrnaScreenshot of Cobb GIS map of the cities in Cobb

The following is a list of the upcoming meetings the week of Monday June 6 – Friday June 10 for Cobb County and the cities within Cobb County. The list was assembled from the websites of the governments in the county, and might not be a complete list. Visit the websites for the particular government you are interested in for more information, future meetings and agendas.

Cobb County and most of the cities in Cobb provide a virtual option for viewing the meeting. Check out the “for more information” links to see if the specific city’s meeting is available online.

DayDateMeetingTimeLocationFor more information
Monday06/06/2022Acworth Lake Authority12 p.m.4762 Cherokee Street Acworthhttp://acworthcityga.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=2359
Austell City Council7 p.m.Austell City Hall, 2716 Broad Street, Austellhttps://www.austellga.gov/Assets/Files/AGENDA%206-6-2022.pdf
Kennesaw City Council6:30 p.m.2529 J O Stephenson Avehttps://kennesaw.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/DisplayAgendaPDF.ashx?MeetingID=609
Marietta Board of Lights and Water12 p.m.City Hall, 205 Lawrence St. Mariettahttps://www.mariettaga.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_06062022-2068?html=true
Marietta City Council agenda work session5:15 p.m.City Hall, 205 Lawrence St. Mariettahttps://www.mariettaga.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=2365
Powder Springs CIty Council work session5:30 p.m.4181 Atlanta Street, Powder Springshttps://www.cityofpowdersprings.org/DocumentCenter/View/7120/Council-Meeting-Agenda-with-attachments-06-Jun-2022
Powder Springs CIty Council regular meeting7 p.m.4181 Atlanta Street, Powder Springshttps://www.cityofpowdersprings.org/DocumentCenter/View/7120/Council-Meeting-Agenda-with-attachments-06-Jun-2022
Smyrna City Council7 p.m.2800 King Street, Smyrnahttps://www.smyrnaga.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/20876/953
Tuesday06/07/22Cobb County Planning Commission zoning hearing9 a.m.BOC Room 2nd Floor. 100 Cherokee Street, Mariettahttps://www.cobbcounty.org/board/events/planning-commission-zoning-hearing-25
Wednesday06/08/2022Marietta City Council agenda review session6 p.m.City Hall, 205 Lawrence St. Mariettahttps://www.mariettaga.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=2365
Marietta City Council regular meeting7 p.m.City Hall, 205 Lawrence St. Mariettahttps://www.mariettaga.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=2365
Smyrna License and Variance Board Meeting10 a.m.2800 King Street, Smyrnahttps://www.smyrnaga.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/20955/953
Thursday06/09/22Acworth Tourism Bureau Authority4:30 p.m.4762 Cherokee Street Acworthhttp://acworthcityga.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=2277

Websites for governments in Cobb

For more information about meetings and other events visit the websites below:

Cobb County https://www.cobbcounty.org/

Acworth https://www.acworth.org/

Austell https://www.austellga.gov/

Kennesaw https://www.kennesaw-ga.gov/

Marietta https://www.mariettaga.gov/

Powder Springs https://www.cityofpowdersprings.org/

Smyrna https://www.smyrnaga.gov/

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