Austell Community Task Force and the Mableton Improvement Coalition announced the following virtual forum with the runoff candidate for the Mableton mayor and city council elections:
The Austell Community Task Force (ACT) and the Mableton Improvement Coalition (MIC) will partner to present a candidate forum for the runoff candidates who are running for the positions of Mayor as well as for the City Council Posts 2,3,4 and 5 for the new city of Mableton.
The forum will be held on the night of April 5, 2023 and will begin promptly at 6:30 PM.
Because runoff election day is quickly approaching (April 18th), this will provide an opportunity to hear from the candidates who are working to earn your vote.
As in past forums, you will need to register in order to participate in this event. In addition, at the time that you register, you can put in a question for the candidates and indicate the candidate to whom the question is directed. These questions will then be posed to the candidates through the moderators of the event.
The ultimate goal is for you, the voter, to walk away from these events educated and informed about who is trying to earn your vote.
We look forward to seeing you there and being of service to you.
You can register for the event at this link.